Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant
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Même si c’est avec un peu de retard, il fallait bien parler du très bel ouvrage coédité par Micaela Sinibaldi, Kevin J. Lewis, Balázs Major et Jennifer A. Thompson, consacré à l’Orient médiéval.
Tout d’abord parce qu’il s’agit d’un travail voulant rendre hommage à la carrière exceptionnelle de Denys Pringle ; mais aussi parce qu’il propose 27 articles faisant un état de l’art très large des recherches en cours en matière d’Orient médiéval.
Il est notamment disponible sur le site de l’éditeur, les University of Wales Press.
Une des conférence de lancement de l’ouvrage est librement disponible sur le site Soundcloud.
Voilà la liste complète des articles du livre :
Landscape And History Of Settlement
Jerusalem’s Two Montes Gaudii, Benjamin Z. Kedar
- The Streets of Frankish Acre, Adrian J. Boas
- The Mount Tabor Territory under Frankish Control, Rabei G. Khamisy
- Safed Castle and Its Territory: Frankish Settlement and Colonisation in Eastern Upper Galilee During the Crusader Period, Herve Barbe
- Settlement in the Petra Region During the Crusader Period: A Summary of the Historical and Archaeological Evidence, Micaela Sinibaldi
- Shifting Borders in the Latin East: The Case of the County of Tripoli, Kevin James, Balazs Major
- The Developments of Rhodes Town After 1306, Anthony Luttrell
Warfare And Fortifications
- Egypt, the Jazira and Jerusalem: Middle-Eastern Tensions and the Latin States in the Twelfth Century, John France
- Espionage and Counter-Espionage: An Episode in the Reign of Baldwin I of Jerusalem, Susan B. Edgington
- Three Sieges of Nikaia in Bithynia (A.D. 727,1097 and 1331): An Archaelogical Perspective, Frank R. Trombley
- Medieval Towers in Syria and Palestine, Andrew Petersen
- The Use of Posterns in the Frankish Fortifications of the Middle East, Jean Mesqui
- An Ayyubid Square-planned Tower at the Citadel of Damascus: Tower 8, Cristina Tonghini
- Commonality in Crusader Castle Construction in Armenian Cilicia and Cyprus: The case for Kantara and the Catalyst of Korykos, James Petre
Economy, Arts And Society
- Frankish Beirut: A Minor Economic Centre, David Jacoby
- Commercial Relations Between Lusignan Cyprus and the Kingdom of Naples in the Late Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries, Nicholas Coureas
- What Does It Take and Exactly How Much? Building a Church in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem fan the Twelfth Century, Vardit Shotten-Hallel et Robert Kool
- From Preceptory to Parish Church: The Church of the Knights Hospitallers at Torphichen, Richard Fawcett
- The Berlin Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and the Art of Chrysography, Jaroslav Folda
- A Study of the Decorated Slab Tombstones of the Crusader Cemetery at ’Atlit, Israel, Jennifer A. Thompson
- Paleopathology of the Crusades, Piers D. Mitchell
- Ab hac hora in antea: Oaths to the Roman Church in Frankish Cyprus (and Greece), Chris Schabel
Narrative And Documentary Sources
- A Neglected Source for the History of the Hospital: Master Josbert’s Letter to the Consuls and Commune of Savona (1171—7), Elena Bellomo
- “La Damoisele del chastel”: Women’s Role in the Defence and Functioning of Castles in Medieval Writing from the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Centuries, Helen J. Nicholson
- Making Sense of the Annales de Terre Sainte: Thirteenth-century Vernacular Narratives from the Latin East, Peter W. Edbury
- An Anglican Account of the Holy Land in 1697: Henry Maundrell’s Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, Bernard Hamilton