International Medieval Congress - IMC 2007
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Du 09 au 12 juillet 2007 s’est tenu à Leeds (Angleterre – Yorkshire) leCongrès International sur l’Europe Médiévale. Ce congrès, dont la première édition eut lieu en 1994, est le plus important d’Europe et a regroupé cette année encore plus de 1400 médiévistes venant du monde entier. Les prochaines dates sont déjà connues. Vous pouvez donc dors et déjà réserver une place dans votre emploi du temps pour vous rendre à Leeds du 07 au 10 juillet 2008.
La liste des interventions, que vous retrouverez sur le site de l’Université d’Études Médiévales de Leeds , qui organise cet événement, est impressionnante. Notons que si l’essentiel des travaux présentés porte sur l’Europe médiévale, et ce, en accord avec les prétentions affichées, plusieurs sujets traités ont tout de même abordé les rivages orientaux de la mer Méditerranée.
Parmi eux, j’ai particulirement retenu :
The Third Crusade and Ideals of Power
- The Politics of Holy War: Frederick Barbarossa and the Third Crusade
Daniel Franke, University of Rochester, New York Paper - Hungary and the Third Crusade: A Turning Point in the Attitude towards Crusading
Zsolt Hunyadi, Department of Medieval&Early Modern Hungarian History, University of Szeged Paper - The Third Crusade and the Conquest of Cyprus According to Greek Sources from Cyprus
Nicholas Savva Coureas, Cyprus Research Centre, Nicosia Paper - The Logistics of the Seige of Acre, 1189-91
John H. Pryor, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney Paper - Arsuf and the Battle of Arsuf: Interrelations between an Excavated Site and a Nearby Battlefield
Israel Roll, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University - Ethnic and National Identity in the Army of the Third Crusade
James Logan Naus, Department of History, Saint Louis University - Jerosolima capitur a paganis: Poland and the Third Crusade
Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, Department of History, University of Melbourne - Inventions of Historiography and Romance: King Richard I and his Jerusalem Relation
Suzanne M. Yeager, Department of English, Fordham University
- Imperial City or City Empire: Was the Latin Empire Anything More than the City of Constantinople?
Heidi Bridger, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Tasha Vorderstrasse, Netherlands Institute of the Near East, Universiteit Leiden *
- The Medieval Red Sea Ports of Quseir and Aydhab
David Peacock, School of Humanities, University of Southampton - Alexandria after ’Amr
Carol Meyer, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago - Acre and Tyre: Two ‘Competing’ Ports in the Mediterranean Seafaring and Trade System in the 10th-13th Centuries
Ruthy Gertwagen, Department of Greek Studies, University of Haifa / Oranim Academic College
- Jacques de Molay Reconsidered
Sophia Menache, Department of History, University of Haifa - Could Alleged Templar Malpractices Have Remained Undetected for Decades?
Alan Forey, Independent Scholar, Oxford - Three ‘Traitors’ of the Temple: Was their Truth the Whole Truth?
David Bryson, University of Melbourne - Icons, Crosses, and the Liturgical Objects of Templar Chapels in the Crown of Aragon
Sebastin Salvad, Department of Art, Stanford University - Priests of the Order of the Temple: What Can They Tell Us?
Anne Gilmour-Bryson, Department of History, Trinity Western University, British Columbia - Around the Trial of the Templars: The Case of Guichard, Bishop of Troyes
Alain Provost, FacultHistoire-Gographie, University of Artois - The Social Reception of the Trial and Condemnation of the Templars in the First Half of the 15th Century in France: The Transmission of Information in Medieval French Society
Magdalena Satora, Uniwersytet Miko?aja Kopernika, Toru? - The University of Paris and the Trial of the Templars
Paul Crawford, Ancient&Medieval History Department, California University of Pennsylvania - The Templars and their Trial in Sicily
Kristjan Toomaspoeg, Universitdegli Studi di Lecce - Rinaldo da Concorezzo and the Trial of the Templars in North Italy
Elena Bellomo, Department of History, Rutgers University, New Jersey - Testimony of Non-Templar Witnesses at the Trial of the Iberian Peninsula, 1309-1310
Josep M. Sans Trave, International University of Barcelona Magda Saura, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Barcelona - Hospitaller Assimilation of Templar Properties
Theresa M. Vann, Hill Museum&Manuscript Library, St John’s University, Minnesota - The Hospitallers’ Acquisition of the Templars’ Lands in the British Isles
Simon D. Phillips, University of Winchester - The Commanderies of the Templars in the Polish Lands and their History after the End of the Order
Maria Starnawska, Institute of History, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce - ‘The Templars Are Everywhere’: An Examination of the Myths behind Templar Survival after 1307
John Walker, Department of History, University of Hull
- Court Citadels and Ayyubid Cities, 1174-1260
Daniella Talmon-Heller, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - The Symbiotic and Symbolic Value of Baghdad for the Late Abbasid Caliphate
Eric J. Hanne, Department of History, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton - Byzantine strategoi and their Cities in the 10th-11th Centuries
Rosemary Morris, Department of History, University of York
- Salvation and the Albigensian Crusade: The Forty-Day Indulgence of 1210
Rebecca A. C. Rist, Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Reading - Henry V and the Proposal for an Irish Crusade
Elizabeth A. E. Matthew, Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Reading